GVL Gate valve lockout device

Security of your business and not only

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What is it?

The device is a fixing mechanical blocking device, designed to prevent the possibility of unauthorized access to change the position of various types valves

Resistance to corrosion

Resistance to ultraviolet radiation

Resistance to aggressive environment

Resistance to high temperatures
(130 ºС)

Resistance to low temperatures
(-50 ºС)

Gate valve
lockout device

According to the data of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the general structure of the causes of accidents at work with severe consequences, over 70% of cases are caused by controlled situations - violations of safety requirements, unsatisfactory workplaces, shortcomings in training labor safety workers, violations of labor discipline and others.

  • The GVL system is designed to ensure the safety of personnel in the repair or maintenance of industrial equipment.

  • The use of GVL blockers is a set of measures that allow an enterprise to exclude potentially dangerous situations related to unauthorized delivery of liquids or gases, which can lead to injury or more serious consequences

  • The procedure provides for the disconnection of the supply of liquids or gases during the repair work and the posting of warning labels or placards

  • This system has long been used successfully in foreign enterprises. The introduction of the GVL system is one of the most important stages in the complex of measures to reduce industrial injuries



Warranty period
of the device
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Additional information

The device is made of hard impact-resistant polypropylene homopolymer or polypropylene copolymer according to and in accordance with the Manufacturer's Standard ST 080240005021-TOO-001-2017

Mounting on a regular rod

Mounting on the slide rod

The device consists of two identical halves, hinged together with each other with the ability to lock the device with padlocks.

1. Half of the body of the device
2. The protrusion
3. The groove
4. The semicircular element of the plug
5. The lugs
6. The holes for the hinge pin
7. The lip
8. The holes for the lock

The first and second halves of the body have corresponding mating surfaces with protrusions and grooves, and when the two halves of the body mate with each other, the protrusions enter the corresponding grooves, tightly closing the two halves of the device body and forming a closed cavity inside the device. There is a cap provided on the surface of each half of the body, removing which, you can get an hole on the body, which serves to grasp the valve stem or gate valve.

The device is mounted on the valve stem or gate valve, closing with its two halves the rotating handle of the valve or gate valve.

At the same time, the device rotates freely and does not allow the possibility of changing the position of the rotating handle of the valve or gate valve.

The locks with arch diameters no more that 8 mm with quantity from 1 to 4 are set in the lugs of the hole that we get after the connection the two halves. The removal of the device from the valve stem or gate valve is carried out in the reverse order.

STANDARDS AND State Standards

The OSHA standard 1910.147 - concerns the blocking / marking of equipment and the control of sources of dangerous energy. Application in the US and Canada is mandatory

  • OHSAS 18001 - European Health and labor Safety Requirements regulate the use of blocking equipment.
  • ISO 14118 Machine safety - preventing unexpected start-up.
  • ISO 14119 Machine safety, locking devices associated with the principles of design and selection of fences
  • ISO 12100-1 Safety of machinery. The main provisions of the design of risk assessment and risk reduction.
  • ISO 18001 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements.
  • ISO 9001 - Quality management systems. Requirements governing the application of locking and marking procedures.
  • The European Union Directive CEE 89/655 - Paragraph 2.14 - contains provisions on minimum standards for the safety and protection of employees during the maintenance of industrial equipment.
  • Machinery Directive 2009/14/EC.
  • The system of blocking of the danger sources with the use of blocking devices, is introduced, in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan:
  • State Standards 12.1.019-79 SSBT. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
  • State Standards 12.2.003-91 SSBT.Industrial equipment. General safety requirements
  • State Standards 12.2.063-2015 Pipe fittings. General safety requirements
  • State Standards 12.2.085-82 Pressure vessels. Safety valves.

Resistance to temperature conditions +130/-50 0С.
The category of flammability according to State Standards 30402-96 corresponds to В3. The smoke-forming capacity group according to State Standards 12.1.044-89 corresponds to Д2.
The device is manufactured in accordance with the ST Organization Standard 080240005021-ТОО-001-2017

The device is not included in the list of products and services, subject to mandatory certification and the Unified list of products subject to mandatory conformity assessment within the Customs Union.

Areas of use:

Size range

GVL-R locking device

25-71 mm

Price: regarding to quote

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GVL-R locking device

50-130 mm

Price: regarding to quote

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GVL-R locking device

100-165 mm

Price: regarding to quote

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GVL-R locking device

150-255 mm

Price: regarding to quote

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GVL-R locking device

200-340 mm

Price: regarding to quote

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And you will be able to choose any color based on your desires and corporate style of the plant / room / home

If you are unsure, would you like to receive one copy as a sample? Please, email us and we will make you a good offer!

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050062 Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city,
micro district 5, House 17, office 7

E-mail: info@yars.co

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